
Lundy Summer Term 2024


We have been learning about the Olympic Games – comparing the Ancient Greek to the modern games.  In maths, the Y5's have been improving their understanding of dividing and multiplying by powers of 10 and solving word problems which involves this.  In English, the Y5 children have begun writing their own information texts about an important time in their lives.  Some more children have completed their DT bag project – please see the BLOG for photos. 

The Y6 children had a super day at The Big Sheep for their leaver’s trip, while later in the week, the Y5 children had a great transition morning with their new class.

Y6 Please remember there is swimming on Monday.  Please come to school wearing your normal uniform with PE trainers. 

Y6 Athletics Festival on Wednesday – wear PE kit with leavers hoodies.


Well done to all the children for a fantastic sports day!  I am so proud of Lundy Class for their super effort, resilience and excellent behaviour. 

The Y5 children have produced some excellent written work this week and have developed their editing/spell-checking skills.  In maths all the children have been revisiting basic skills including column addition, subtraction and bus stop methods for division.  Many of the children have completed their bags for their DT project – they are fantastic!  Photos will follow when more children are finished.  In science, the children have planned an investigation to find out about the effect of different exercises and recovery on heartrates. Y6 have also been learning some French this week.


Y6 Please remember there is no swimming on Monday.  Please come to school wearing your normal uniform with PE trainers. 


Welcome back to the final half term of the year!

Y5 children have been learning about Shackleton through an English text called ‘Shackleton’s Journey’.  They have looked at multi-clause sentences and thought about how the text and pictures convey the feeling of isolation.  In history, we have looked at Ancient Greek Gods /temples, and how the architectural features can be seen in some buildings of today.  We have been finding out about the components of our blood in science and writing short explanations about each one.

The Y6 children took part in a cricket competition and represented the school brilliantly.  They all tried their best and they won several of their matches.


The Y5 children who went to London had an amazing time – their behaviour was exceptional and they were great fun to be with.  Well done Y5!

The Y6 children have been practising playing cricket this week. 

All the children have been writing stories in English.  We have been using the four operations to solve problems in maths and working on our bag designs in DT. 

After half term, the children will be making their own bags.  Please provide fabric that they want to use.  They should have brought home the measurements for the fabric they need.  The fabric must not be stretchy, as this is difficult to sew. 

If your child does not bring in fabric, the school will provide it, however, it may not be the colour that your child wants to use.


Y5 and Y6 please come into school in your PE kit on Monday and Tuesday after half term.



Well done Y6 – a super effort by all of you with your SATs!  Whatever your results, you can be super proud of yourselves as you couldn’t have tried any harder!  I am very proud of you – as are all the other adults that have worked with you this week.   

Y5 children have been great helpers in other classes for some of the time this week – all the teachers have commented on how sensible and helpful they have been.

We have been learning about countries and capital cities in Europe – focusing on where Greece is for our topic learning.  Y5 children have begun to make their prototype of their bag in DT.  The children have planned their independent suspense stories, and they are ready to write next week.

Y6 children please remember swimming kit on Monday.  Please wear your swimmers under your PE kit.  Also, wear your PE kit on Tuesday.


The Y6 children have come back into class really positively this week, after a super week on residential.  They were a pleasure to take away and everyone made great personal achievements.  Please see the Class Blog for photos.

In class this week, the Y5 children have been focusing on time problems, and learning to count on to find how long something lasted.  Some of the Y6 have been solving algebra problems, while others have been revising maths skills.  In English, we have been writing a story full of suspense, making sure that we write in well-organised paragraphs. We have made predictions about life in Ancient Greece using pictures of artefacts. Also we have been practising our sewing skills, before we design our own bags.


Y6 need to wear PE kits on Wednesday and Fridays from next week.  They can wear their Leaver's Hoodies for PE.

Welcome back to the Summer Term!
The Y6 children have been preparing for their SATs by having a ‘mock’ SATs week – I am very impressed by their brilliant effort. Next week will be funfilled and exciting as we go on our residential. Y5 children have been working on statistics – focusing on different types of graphs and learning to interpret the information they show. In English, all of the children have been enjoying our new text – ‘The Shadow Cage’ by Philippa Pearce. They have created freeze frames to delve more deeply into characters actions and then written diaries in character. Also, they have investigated how the author uses semi-colons and colons, as well as how she builds tension and suspense.