
Book week

Dear Parents,

We are excited to inform you of our world book day celebrations this year in school.

Sponsored Read

To celebrate and encourage reading of different texts, we are holding a sponsored read to raise money to purchase some up to date newly released children’s books for each class.  These will be books that the children can choose to read themselves either in school or to bring home to read.

Your child will bring home a reading challenge and sponsor form before the half term holiday.  There will be 3 weeks to complete the challenge before sponsor forms are collected in on Friday 11th March.  The teachers will talk to the children about this. 

Monday 1st March – Assembly

The children will have an assembly in key stages where teachers will share their favourite stories and why they like them.  This will launch our World Book Celebrations.

Tuesday 2nd March – Shared read

Each class will meet with another class for half an hour of sharing books.  We will mix older and younger classes.  We are really looking forward to this as it used to be a weekly occurrence before Covid.  This will be the first of weekly book shares across the school.

Thursday 3rd March – World Book Day Book Swap

In the morning we have a librarian from Barnstaple Library visiting each class to share new stories with the children.

Also on this day, we are holding a book swap during the afternoon, with the intention that each child will bring home a ‘new to them’ book.  Each child needs to bring in a good quality book that they have already read (fiction or non-fiction), which is suitable for their age group.  The ‘suitable for their age group’ is REALLY important as older children will not want a book for a key stage one child.  The teachers will talk to their classes about this.  We will make the book swap a social event and also have cookies and drinks to make it a special time.

Friday 4th March

This will be our dress up day.  Children can either dress in their PJ’s ready for a bedtime story, or dress as a favourite character from a book.

Thank you for your support,

Mrs Hughes