
Barum Summer Term 2024

25/06/2024 Tarka and Barum Sports Day
Well done to all of the children taking part in the Sports Day for Key Stage 1!
We were so impressed with them all, trying their very best. We even enjoyed a nice ice pop in the sunshine!
11/06/2024 Tarka and Barum Exmoor Zoo Trip
Today we visited Exmoor Zoo to support our learning on our science topic 'animals including humans'. 
We loved walking around the zoo to visit all of the different types of animals, and thinking about which animal group they belonged to. 
We then had a talk from one of the zookeepers, and were able to meet a corn snake and an owl!
Our DT project this term was to make a healthy smoothie. First, we tasted various different fruits and fruit juices to help us select which fruits we planned to use in our own smoothies. Next, we wrote our own plan icluding which fruits and which juice we had chosen to use, we also made a list of the equipment we would need. Then we thought of a name for our smoothie and designed the packakging. Finally, we made and tasted our smoothies, they were very delicious! The final part of our DT project was evaluating our smoothies and considering what could make them better.
Codden, Tarka and Barum enjoyed a fantastic performance of 'Storm in a Tea Cup' by 'Boo to the Goose Theatre Company'. Everyone sat beautifully for the performance and loved joining in with creating a story. We also enjoyed a sing and a dance too!