
Lundy Spring Term 2025


We have been learning to solve calculations with fractions – including learning KFC to help with division.   We have been investigating story openings to find out how we can include more information about character and setting for the reader.  In art, we have been practicing different stitches which we will use to add detail to our final piece of art work.   We have begun our science topic about states of matter and have been revising their properties.  

For Mental Health Week, we have been learning about how to 'GROW' ourselves by setting goals, using resilience, owning our emotions and thinking about a 'Menu' of ways to improve our well-being.  These included taking 3 deep breaths, having a walk in nature, reading a book or something as simple as having  a happy thought.  

Please find below the Feelings Wheel for your home learning -  you can either print it or look at it and create your own.  I look forward to seeing your creations in school next week!

We have had a very busy week of learning in Lundy Class - the children have worked very hard! 

The Y6 children have been focusing on ratio and proportion in maths, while the Y5’s have been investigating prime numbers and prime factors.   The children have written some super individual reports about a celebration of their choice – either imaginary or real.   In art they have been creating texture by using fabric to enhance our practice collages.  We re-created the opening of Hans Zimmers ‘Earth’ composition using instruments and voices – we also learnt about the position of notes on the stave. We have been writing conclusions in science; learning to link it back to our original question and hypothesis.    



We have been learning to find the mean in maths, as well as learning how to use scale factors with shapes and recipes.    We have written our report about birthday celebrations and have applied our learning from this English sequence very well; next week we will plan and write about celebrations of our own choosing.  In art we have re-created aspects of the quilt work by Anne Loveless, using brusho and tissue paper.  In science we have been learning to analyse investigation results and writing this up in a clear format. 


We have been learning to solve long multiplication problems with and without decimals.  In English, we have learnt about how the author of our text – The Nameless Holiday – uses colons to begin descriptive lists.  We have been re-visiting expanded noun phrases and investigating why the author uses adverbs to show certainty.  We have listened to a composition by Hans Zimmer and drawn our responses.  In art, we have reflected on the art and craft work of Anne Loveless.