
Lundy Summer Term 2023

London trip 2023

This week we have been enjoying arts week.

This has included evaluating work by Steven Brown and finding out about his life.  Y5 children created their own powerpoints all about him.

We have developed our colour mixing skills and knowledge by learning about tertiary colours.  Also we have been developing our painting skills by improving accuracy, selecting appropriate brushes and creating different textures.

Using our chosen animal pictures, we have been developing drawing techniques to help us create a sketch that includes an element of movement.

We are ready to begin our final paintings next week.

The children have also been exploring friendship and developing their understanding of empathy.


This week we have written instructions about whatever we wanted to.  The children used all of their learning and included many features to make their writing interesting and engaging.

In maths we have been multiplying and dividing by powers of 10. 

We have practised for sports day and then enjoyed taking part in the actual day.

In geography we have been learning about flooding in Bangladesh - a country which has major flooding every year.  We have learnt about why there are floods and how the people cope with them.


This week we have been practising writing features of instructional texts.  We have also tried to write instructions for a science experiment in as few words as possible but still with meaning.

In maths we have been reasoning and solving word problems involving powers of 10.

We have understood about reversible and irreversible reactions in science – focusing on the release of Carbon Dioxide when a chemical reaction takes place. 

In geography we have been learning about how London Docklands has been used since the Roman times to the present day.


In English this week, we have been looking at features of instructional texts and evaluating how useful they are. 

The Y5 children have been reasoning to solve problems linked to place value.

We have begun to compose a melody based on Dvorak’s New World Symphony to represent feeling lonely.

We have all been developing our cricket skills in PE. 

The Y6 have attended a rounders festival and a cricket festival, where they represented the school fantastically.

In science the children have been learning about evolution and adaptation.


This week we have been writing our own explanation texts about subjects of our own choice; these included the ‘Feather in my pillow’, ‘The wool in my jumper’, and ‘The sand in between my toes’.  The children are really proud of their final pieces.

The Y5 children have been solving problems involving place value in maths.  We have also been focusing on the 7 times table again.

We have use gouache paint in art to have a go at painting our landscapes that we had sketched.

We have also been making the most of the fantastic weather and learning rules for cricket and rounders, as the Y6 are going to interschool competitions after the holiday.

Have a super holiday!


We had a super day out walking along the river from Watersmeet to Lynmouth.  The children carried out a River Fly Survey with the National Trust rangers to check the water quality.  As usual, the children represented the school very well.

This week we have been writing our explanation texts about the ‘Bean in my Bar’.  The children have been using all of their writing skills and have created some super pieces of work.

The Y5 children have been solving problems involving powers of 10 in maths.  We have also been focusing on the 7 times table – always a tricky one!

We have listened to Dvorak’s Largo from the ‘New World’ Symphony and thought about its meaning by linking to what the composer was doing at the time of its composition.


This week we have been thinking about possible topics that we can write an explanation text about, that will enable us to show a journey. This is preparing for a focus on writing next week.

The Y5 children have really enjoyed developing strategies to enable them to solve some tricky maths problems – super independent learning and sharing of ideas!

The Y6 children have spent the time when not in SATs, practising different maths skills and revising topics. 

We have learnt about the flow of rivers and we have drawn cross-sections of them at different places – upper, middle and lower courses.

In art we have been learning about landscapes.  We have evaluated some paintings and noticed how the sky affects the feeling we get about a painting.  We have learnt about the horizon line and to think about the fore, middle and background.  We also drew a preliminary sketch of the landscape from the top of the school field.


This week, in English, we have been focusing on noun phrases and how the author of our text uses them.  We have also looked at the constructions of multi-clause sentences.

In maths, we have been revisiting lots of different topics in preparation for SATs.  The Y6 have done themselves proud – they have applied themselves to all of their learning and I couldn’t ask any more of them. 

The Y5 children have been problem solving and carrying out open ended tasks – they have worked brilliantly!

We have learnt a bit about our new King and have been debating whether or not we should have a monarchy.  Then the children enjoyed their cakes!


This week, in English, we have been learning about a new text and looking at key features of it, including modal verbs and the authors use of tenses.

In maths, we have been revisiting fraction and measurement learning.  Also we have been solving investigations.

We have found out about features of rivers and learnt about the main rivers in the UK.


This week the year 5’s have settled back into school really well! In English, we have been creating poems about the journey of the river Taw. In maths we have started a new topic on place value focusing on fractions. In computing, year 5 have been learning about how to create 3D models using a software program.