

17th March 2020
Dear Parents/Carers
Please note that if you are choosing to keep your child off school for precautionary reasons the school will not be providing work for them. You can see the topic themes on our website and can access a host of learning materials for primary children on the internet. 
If the school is requested to close by the local authority work will be provided electronically for all children to access. 
Our planned residential trips are under review and we will update you on this once we know the situation, we will be following LA guidelines and carrying out further risk assessments. 
Please follow the Government COVID 19: Guidance for Education for clear current expectations, this will be updated regularly. 
Mrs Smallwood
16th March 2020
Dear Parents/carers,
As a maintained school we receive regular updates and advice from the Local Authority and seek advice from Public Health England and ACAS. 
We will keep you informed of any actions the school needs to take regarding the situation. 
Please read the Government COVID 19: Guidance for Education for clear current expectations and this will be updated regularly. 
Best wishes
Mrs Smallwood